When things get tight, we move closer together: In the Ruhr area we make ourselves stronger against possible crises - join us.
How To Be #readydoneright
No matter the crisis – with simple measures you can prepare yourself and your home. We show you what you can do.
Emergencies: Things to Bear in Mind in the Ruhr Area
In the Ruhr area, there’s no need to worry about the kind of storm surges found on the coast or the avalanches that occur in the Alps. Still, the Ruhr region is large and densely populated and has its own distinctive characteristics.
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Things to Know About Energy Shortages
Our everyday lives are heavily dependent on electricity and gas. When these fail, it has a major impact on us. What you should know about this.
Finding Help and Helping Others
In an emergency, it is important that we are there for each other. That we support those who need help. And that we know where to get help.
Acting in Times of Crisis: Getting Help – and Helping Others Too
The current energy crunch is not the first event to demonstrate how vital it is to be informed and prepared for an emergency. But whatever happens, you’re not alone. Here’s how to get help – and how you can help others too.
Food Stock Calculator: What Should I Buy and How Much of It?
An emergency food stock pile should usually last for 10 days. What has to go in? And how much of it if I have a large family? The stock calculator helps you put together your shopping list.