Information material for download

Here you will find useful information to download, save and print: The checklists help you prepare for emergencies. With these tips you can make others aware of the issue - because together we are #betterprepared.



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There are 6 results.

Infoflyer for #readydoneright (EN)

We can’t always prevent emergencies from happening. You can, however, prepare yourself and your…


Checklist For A Power or Gas Outage

This is a checklist that explains how to heat, cook or provide lighting in an emergency without…


Documents Folder Checklist

This is a checklist that lists which documents you should have on hand in an emergency in case you…


Water Supply and Hygiene Checklist

This is a checklist that explains how to prepare for a water outage and how to ensure hygiene…


Home Medical Kit Checklist

This is a checklist that lists what belongs in a home medical kit for emergencies.


Emergency Food Stockpile Checklist

This is a checklist that lists which foods belong in a good food stockpile and what things need to…
